All for one and all for love
All for one and all for love

He call us into that same type of covenantal relationship of loving God and loving people sacrificially, whatever it takes. One for all – he gave his all for us on the cross at Calvary, and he did it all for love because God is love. All for one – we can give all we have to Jesus, the darkness and the light, the good and the bad. We can even read it as a word picture about our covenantal relationship with God. In a similar way, we can read the song “All for Love” redemptively as covenantal language about relationships between marriage partners and friends. That metaphor was first used by the Canaanites. For the first time in scripture, he describes the relationship between God and his people as a marriage relationship between a man and a woman. Similarly, the prophet Hosea in the Old Testament uses a word picture taken from the broken sexuality of the Canaanite people. In exhorting us to “run the race with patience” he is using language borrowed from the practices of the Greek “gymnasium” which the Jews disdained and rejected. Paul did so with metaphors from Greek athletics. A number of times the authors of scripture redeem corrupted and even promiscuous language from the cultures of the world to communicate spiritual truth. You can read the words of this song in three ways: promiscuously, or redemptively as a song about the covenant bond of marriage, or as a song about covenant friendship between brothers and sister. When there's someone that should know then just let your feelings show and make it all for one and all for love. Let the one you hold be the one you want, the one you need, 'cause when it's all for one it's one for all. Let's make it all for one and all for love.

all for one and all for love

“All for Love” is sung by three gravelly voiced old rockers: Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting.

All for one and all for love movie#

Where does the powerful phrase “All for Love” come from? A quick google search turns up the 1993 power ballad which was the theme song for the 1993 movie The Three Musketeers. Our worship and our mission is all for love. It undergirds the structures and practices of Christian community.

all for one and all for love

It determines the rhythms and habits of Christian life. Love for God and neighbour weaves through the entire fabric of scripture.

all for one and all for love

The foundational virtue or character quality of the Bible has to be love.

All for one and all for love